In wrath I destroyed In mercy I restored My wrath consumed My mercy caused to blossom In wrath I sent flood from rain In mercy I revealed the RainBow Before the rain was my anger After the rain is the Bow of my mercy The RainBow. I set the RainBow in place A constant reminder of my mercy A constant reminder of my covenant A constant reminder of my love A constant reminder of my faithfulness The RainBow. You see the Bow A reflection of something more Behind the veil of the Bow Is the weight of my Glory But that I know you cannot stand So instead I revealed the Bow The RainBow a Reflection Of my Glory. You see the RainBow But yet bigger than the RainBow Is the Glory Behind. Beyond the RainBow I call you to come Beyond the RainBow I dwell in light of great volume Beyond the RainBow My Spirit beckons For A people who will look Beyond what eyes can see A people who will listen Beyond what words can utter A people who will breathe The res...

In a world where the Biblical Truth has been muddled, Triumphant in Christ Blog is aimed at building up, strengthening, inspiring and unraveling the mysteries of Faith. And most Importantly, restoring the Old Paths of Christian Faith. But thanks be to God, who always leads us in Triumph in Christ, and manifest through us the sweet aroma of the knowledge of Him in every place. 2 Corinthians 2:14.