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Have you any treasure?

Hello, welcome  to Triumphant in Christ and I hope you are keeping well. Hey, if this is your first time stopping by, I'm glad you are here, please take a moment to read from the past posts as well. 

Have you any Treasure?
Let me remind you that a treasure is a valuable object, that is cherished and kept carefully. It could be jewels, gold, money or some fortune. For a child, a treasure could be an easter egg 😃 or a new toy. And if you have ever seen kids engaged in treasure hunt, you will see how they will go looking and digging everywhere possible for the hidden treasure and once they find it, their face will light up with such joy and excitement for what they've found. Just maybe the treasure is an easter egg, the next thing would be to consume it, and if it's a toy, it will be the case of unwrapping and exploring this new toy. 

But have you any treasure in your life? What do you have in your life that makes your face glow? What gives you that excitement anyway? Is it your job, your relationships or your assets? The reality is none of those things measure up to being a treasure according to the Bible, and it is because someday, all those things will no longer be useful. They will loose value, and the real treasure according to the Bible is being a part of God's kingdom. Let me show you how.

The kingdom of heaven is like a treasure hidden in the field, which a man found and hid again; and from joy over it he goes and sells all that he has and buys that field.
Matthew 13:44 NASB
Here, Jesus shared this parable to illustrate  the kingdom of Heaven. Many times, we see the kingdom of Heaven as something in the future, but it starts right here, the very day you find salvation,  and like the man in the parable, preserving your salvation is so important that it requires you to give all. 

I see this parable played out in our lives often times. When we come to Jesus for healing,  sometimes that's all we are after and we never bother about getting more. Sometimes, we come to him for forgiveness of sins and we stop there, whereas the Lord has more for us. See the wisdom Jesus is showing us here; the man hid the treasure, went and sold all he has to buy that field. Why? Because he believes there's more!

If you have had one breakthrough after coming to Christ, you shouldn't stop just yet, there's more for you, and that you will find out as you develop your relationship with Him. Don't be in a rush, give it your all, cultivate the relationship which is the field, and you will find more treasures in Him.

God wants you to have more than salvation,  so don't stop at the confession. Go for the healing he has provided for us, go for the joy at all times, go for the blessing and breakthrough he has made provision for, make  sure you are reaching for more, like the man who sold all to buy the field.  
Truly the kingdom of Heaven is like a treasure,  but have you found it?

Look out for the concluding part...

If you are yet to know Jesus personally,  please contact me, I will like to tell you more. 


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