The book of Hebrews 12:28, reads "Therefore, since we receive a KINGDOM which cannot be shaken, let us show GRATITUDE, by which we may offer to God an acceptable SERVICE with reverence and awe. Surely there is a kingdom which cannot be shaken, and if we want to be unshaken in a shaking world, we need to find the location of the unshakable kingdom and transit there. From the Bible, we understand that God's kingdom is the unshakable kingdom, it is eternal. In Revelation 1:8, Jesus introduced himself as the Alpha and Omega, the one who was, who is and who is to come. The kingdom of our LORD is the unshaken kingdom, and it is those who are part of this kingdom that will remain unshaken when all things are shaken. To become a part of this unshakable kingdom, you need to accept the sacrifice of Jesus for your sins, and place your trust in him.
Having moved to the unshakable kingdom, how do we continue standing? We become a part of this kingdom by Grace through Faith according to Ephesians 2:8-9, and it is important for us to continue in our walk by Grace and Faith. Knowing the kingdom to which we belong, we should be gracious and approach life with gratitude, having the divine influence of grace on our hearts and let this reflect in our lives. Gratitude never buries the good, it is always graceful with the good. This should be our daily lifestyle, a lifestyle of praise to God and of grace toward others.
With this graceful outlook, you should always keep in mind that you were made for a purpose and that purpose is service. Everything created by God or manufactured by man is designed with a purpose in mind. And the primary purpose of every man is to give God glory through service, according to Revelation 4:11, you were created to give God pleasure through your life of service. Your life should be lived as an offering poured out for God and people, it's never about us, it's about Him our GOD and his people. When you live each day with eternity in mind, you will not be moved by things happening around because you are living beyond this realm through service.
Ish! So much to say in a short time, why not join me next week for the concluding part of Unshaken?
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