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Victory over despair

Hello, welcome to Triumphant in Christ. I'm glad you decided to stop by for a read today, and I believe you stopped by because something in you strikes with the word triumph or victory. Yes! This is the spot where the Triumph of Faith and Truth is shared through the Victor's story!  😃😃. Grab a cuppa and let's hit the road on this new one.....

My thoughts seem to play a lot on me, being an introvert, I enjoy being by myself, which can be a strength sometimes and other times a weakness. Swinging into moods used to be my natural mode in the past 😂, but hey, how did I overcome it? How can someone like me have victory over despair? I'm going to share some secrets with you.....hold on tight to your cuppa. 

Firstly, I want you to know that Jesus is my number one secret, he gave me joy for my sorrow, peace for my worries. I remember 11 years ago, when I fell under the power of the Holy Spirit, and I laughed in the spirit so uncontrollably,  I remember the experience just like yesterday. That was the end of my mood swings, that was my moment of exchange.....of course I had Jesus before then, but something changed in me since that moment. (Hey, if you don't know about Jesus yet, i will love to tell you more. Send me a message).

Secondly, the word despair literally means loss of hope, state of hopelessness,  but I want you to look at it this way 'des-pair' with des being a negative prefix. It simply means 'un or not pair' . See, for you to achieve anything, you need your mind to cooperate with your body, you need your spirit and body to work in agreement, but when despair sets in, it brings separation, a disconnection which eventually hinders you. It's like a thought crippling your heart. But how do you overcome this despair? 

O my God, my soul is in despair within me; Therefore I remember You from the land of the Jordan And the peaks of Hermon, from Mount Mizar.
Psalms 42:6 NASB

Has God ever done anything for you? Have you ever experienced a breakthrough? Then it's time to bring those testimonies to mind again and meditate over them. When we remind ourselves of what God has done in the past, it stirs faith in us. See David in the Psalms above, chose to remember what God has done in the past. Moments when I start to feel hopeless, I remind myself of the breakthroughs I have had in the past,  then I start to feel a shift in my mood because my focus is changing. I want you to know that if you remind yourself of the past testimonies,  you will see the 'des-pair' lifting off you. You will see hope arising from within you. 

But having the same spirit of faith, according to what is written, “I believed , therefore I spoke ,” we also believe, therefore we also speak,
2 Corinthians 4:13 NASB

Keeping your testimonies in mind, with faith and hope stirred up in you, start declaring the promises of God over the situation.  Let me remind you that God created all things by his word, so every time you speak, you engage the creative power within you. After reminding yourself of the past testimonies and victories, start declaring the word of faith over yourself and your situation.  Say what you believe and you will have what you say! I have seen this work in my life on several occasions and it can work for you aswell. 

Why are you in despair, O my soul? And why have you become disturbed within me? Hope in God, for I shall yet praise Him, The help of my countenance and my God.
Psalms 42:11 NASB

Thirdly, choose Praise! Yes. I define praise as 'Positioning yourself for a RAISE'. When you choose PRAISE, you Position yourself for a RAISE. Rather than bowing to that situation,  chose to praise God through it. Your praise with your faith declaration will create the atmosphere for your miracle. You cannot have praise and despair in the same heart, it is impossible. Your praise will dismiss despair and put your heart in alignment for your breakthrough. Refuse to settle for des-pair, respond with faith and praise, and make the right pair of your spirit and body to receive your desired breakthrough.

I pray that you will find the strength to declare the word of faith over that situation and praise God through it. For surely, the LORD will come through for you and you too will have victory over despair. 

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