Hello welcome to Triumphant in Christ and thank you for stopping by. My desire is that every post you read here will impart truth on your heart and stir up faith within you for more of God. I will love to read from you too, so please leave a comment after reading. Let's hit the road on this......
Have you ever been faced with situations beyond you just after a promise from God? And maybe you have asked "why does the Lord even speak? " why does he reveal things in visions? Some times, we receive word of prophecy from God, and just after the word, something happens and it looks like what is happening is contrary to what the Lord has said. When the Lord speaks, it is not for the feelings, rather it is for the happenings, the things that will happen between the time he spoke and the time of fulfillment. When the Lord speaks or reveal things, it is because he wants us to be able to stand and not lose trust in him when life happens.
“These things I have spoken to you so that you may be kept from stumbling.
John 16:1 NASB
The Bible verse above, says "These things" I have spoken to you, by "these things", Jesus is referring to the things he was about to say to his disciples, more like giving them revelation of things to come. And note that the purpose for saying these things to them is so that they do not stumble, because when they stumble a fall is inevitable. The things the Lord promised for his children are exciting, the things he has spoken to me about my life are exciting, but life will always happen in between.
When the Lord speaks, it is for us to have peace in the face of trouble. The word of God does not promise there won't be troubles, but what He has promised is victory over every trouble, so that in all things He is still Lord! He also speaks ahead so we can be confident that the situation we are faced with will come to an end, but his word will still be standing, because every word he speaks must surely happen. So if the Lord has spoken a promise to you, and things suddenly turn in the opposite direction, don't loose heart, I have been there before and I can tell you his promise for you will come to pass.
These things I have spoken to you, so that in Me you may have peace. In the world you have tribulation, but take courage; I have overcome the world.”
John 16:33 NASB
Irrespective of all that is happening, the Father want his children focused on what He has promised and not the happenings around, so what do you do when life happens? Let's look at an example from the Bible.
And behold, there arose a great storm on the sea, so that the boat was being covered with the waves; but Jesus Himself was asleep. And they came to Him and woke Him, saying, “Save us, Lord; we are perishing!” He *said to them, “Why are you afraid, you men of little faith?” Then He got up and rebuked the winds and the sea, and it became perfectly calm.
Matthew 8:24-26 NASB
Jesus gave the word to go to the other side earlier in the passage, and as soon as they started, there was an earthquake (the Greek word used in this verse means earthquake rather than storm), and Jesus was sleeping while this was going on. The disciples called out to him in fear, asking if he doesn't care if they perish. But Jesus stood up and rebuked the winds and the sea,and it became perfectly calm. Wait a minute, I thought there was an earthquake but Jesus just rebuked the winds and sea, what's going on? Jesus did not address the happenings but the source of it. I also want you to note how he was sleeping when the storm was going on.
Three points I will like to share with you from this story:
Firstly, Jesus knew that his assignment was not yet completed and that's why he could sleep while the earthquake was happening. Likewise yourself, the Lord want you to know he's not done with you yet, you can be confident that the every word he has spoken over you will be fulfilled. If an earthquake that could have claimed lives couldn't stop him here, then none of the happenings in our lives can stop his promises from being fulfilled.
Secondly, when Jesus stood up, he didn't rebuke the earthquake but the source of it. What is the source of the happenings in and around you? That is the thing to address. On the way to your promised land there will always be seas to cross, and you have to address it, because that sea cannot stop you from entering the promised land. If you address the situation and the source of the problem is still there, it will start again, but if you addressed the source of the problem, then it is finally dealt with.
Thirdly, in the face of every situation, respond in faith not fear. Jesus said to the disciples, "why are you afraid, you men of little faith?" There's nothing you can do in fear, fear cripples the mind and eventually the body, but faith gives strength and life. If you want to see the promised blessing, you must respond to situations in faith not fear. For instance, I know what God has said to me regarding this year and years ahead, so I'm responding to the current situation in our world in faith not in fear. I know nothing can stop what God wants to do.
Ultimately, keep your focus on the promises. Keep your focus on what he has said to you because the reason he speaks is for you to be established in his truth and be able to trust him without stumbling. When life happens, remember why the Lord speaks.
I hope you are blessed and encouraged by this, please do share with someone who may need to read this. And till you stop by next time, remember why the Lord speaks!
Have a blessed day.
I hope you are blessed and encouraged by this, please do share with someone who may need to read this. And till you stop by next time, remember why the Lord speaks!
Have a blessed day.
Great words of encouragement especially in this season of pandemic