Life is all about seasons. Life is in phases, men are in sizes goes the popular saying. And I can say the situation facing our world today is definitely a season that will pass but how we see and respond to it is really important. The Bible records the story of Isaac and how he sowed and reaped a 100 fold harvest in an unusual time and I want you to learn from his story.
Now there was a famine in the land, besides the previous famine that had occurred in the days of Abraham. So Isaac went to Gerar, to Abimelech king of the Philistines. The Lord appeared to him and said, “Do not go down to Egypt; stay in the land of which I shall tell you.
Genesis 26:1-2 NASB
The verse above makes it clear that the famine during the time of Isaac was not the first. Likewise, the viral outbreak happening now is not the first. I read of one that happened a century ago called the Spanish flu, and a lot of people died and yet a lot of people survived it. Infact, I read of a woman who had survived the Spanish flu as a little girl, and now in her hundreds, she caught and survived coronavirus this year. During the famine in Isaac's time, God gave Isaac instructions and promised that he will be with Isaac to bless him. And in this season, for every child of God, God is with you to bless and protect you throughout this time and beyond. (If you are yet to know Jesus, please contact me, I will love to tell you more about him)
The Bible recorded in verse 12 that Isaac reaped a 100 fold during this famine by acting on God's instruction. Will like to share 3 points from this story:
Now Isaac sowed in that land and reaped in the same year a hundredfold. And the Lord blessed him,
Genesis 26:12 NASB
■Has God said anything to you in this season? Whatever God has said to you, DO IT. There is a story in the Gospel of John chapter 2, where they ran out of wine at a wedding. After Jesus was notified that they were out of wine, Mary (Jesus' mother) said to the disciples; whatever he ask you to do, Do it! And truly, when they obeyed Jesus' instruction to fill the jars with water, and he prayed over it, they had a miracle of the best wine ever. This can also apply to you, if you will stay in obedience to divine instruction, you will receive the blessing because the Lord's presence will abide with you. God said somethings to my family at the start of this season, which we are doing. Please live by divine instruction.
■ Isaac sowed during the famine and reaped a 100% in that same year, isn't that strange? The farmer usually will have 10-70% harvest probably, but here is a man who sowed in the time of famine reaping 100%. It must have been a landmark success in that time because the Bible had to record how much harvest he had. I know many times we carry dreams in our heart, that we never engage because we complain there's no time or resources. You can choose to see this time as an opportunity to birth the dreams within you, what about that project you have abandoned? What about that book you plan to write someday, maybe this is the perfect time to start. Just like me, I started blogging 9 years ago and I suddenly stopped, but with lockdown I picked it up. I want you to take this time as a time of sowing. There are opportunities in this season that you can use to develop yourself and those around you. Invest into your life and those God has placed around you, invest in your family relationships.
■ Famine and plagues in Bible signifies judgement upon the earth and it is always under control. But every time such happens, God protects his children and he wants those who do not know him to come to him. When plagues happened in Egypt, the Israelites were not affected by it because they were in Goshen and Goshen was set apart from the plagues. For you as a child of God, your response in this season should be one of faith not fear. Moses had the relationship with God and he was able to control the extent and effects of the plagues. Likewise the children of God in this season can be sure of God's presence and protection under the authority in the name of Jesus. God has promised never to leave us or forsake us and we can be confident that He is able to keep us just like the Psalmist wrote in
Behold, the eye of the Lord is on those who fear Him, On those who hope for His lovingkindness, To deliver their soul from death And to keep them alive in famine.
Psalms 33:18-19 NASB
We don't know for how long this will last but we can be sure of God's ability to carry us through.
Remember whatever he has said to you, DO IT. Make the most of this season, because when it is gone, you can't have it back. Sow rightly, sow wisely and stand in faith. I look forward to your 100 fold harvest when this is all over.
Love 😍😍
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