Worth is a language of exchange, it relates to items and values. The value placed on an item describes its worth. A worth also relate to the level at which someone is valued. In essence, it refers to what can be given in exchange for something of value. To purchase a gold ring, you will be willing to pay far beyond what you would have paid for a costume one, so they are not the same in value, and the price of the ring is also determined by its carat. To buy a used car, you examine it's worth by giving consideration to its condition, mileage and other features. And you will never pay beyond or below the perceived worth. Ultimately, you only offer the price you think an item is worth. How about you, I mean your life, your soul, what exactly are you worth?
Having grown up in Nigeria, where I have heard countless stories of money rituals, and watched several on movies, I found it really amazing that when wealth, power and influence is given to people, what is requested in return is usually a life, someone's life, it is either the person to be sacrificed is killed or made a living dead as they are rendered incapacitated. How much really does wealth, power and influence worth? These wicked perpetrators stop at nothing to get their victims for sacrifice, and truth is I almost became a victim but for the Lord's divine intervention. (Will share with you later how God delivered me from a ritualists raid once).
How much would you say you are worth my friend? In the Bible, after Jesus was baptized, he was in the wilderness where he fasted and prayed for forty days, the devil came to tempt him. In the last temptation, satan showed Jesus all the kingdoms of the world and its glory, and then asked Jesus to worship him. Really? Was it just bowing down to worship? Definitely not.
What the devil was requesting Jesus to do was to sell his soul, if Jesus were to bow down and worship satan, that would have been an exchange, his soul for all the wealth. Note that worship involves soul, true worship means surrender, submission, to pay allegiance. That definitely is done beyond bowing down, it involves the soul. Do you know your soul is worth more than all the wealth of this world put together? Remember you will never offer to pay a price beyond the perceived worth of an object, so satan offering Jesus wealth and kingdom, means the soul of man is beyond all the wealth and kingdom treasures.
For what does it profit a man to gain the whole world, and forfeit his soul? For what will a man give in exchange for his soul?
Mark 8:36-37 NASB
The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I came that they may have life, and have it abundantly.
John 10:10 NASB
Everyday, the devil is looking for people who will sell their soul to him, so that he can hang them as trophy in hell, with every opportunity he presents things to lure people with his deception, but your soul is far more than all the worlds wealth put together. And God has made provision for the soul of man to be saved, if you will rather worship God, your soul will be saved. Because the biggest price was paid for your soul by Jesus, who died so that those who put their trust in him, might be saved. The true worth of your soul is the very life of God's son Jesus, the true worth of your soul is beyond wealth, power or influence, the true worth of your soul is priceless.
Remember worship is surrender, it is paying allegiance. Let me ask you this, have you paid your allegiance to Jesus? Are you surrendered to him? May be you have not done so, but will love to do so today, please say this prayer with sincerity in your heart.
"Heavenly Father, I thank you for sending Jesus to die for me, I acknowledge that I am a sinner, I confess all my sins and ask for forgiveness. Today, I place my trust in Jesus and acknowledge Jesus as my Lord. I ask that you give me the gift of your Spirit so that I may have grace to continue in faith till the end. Thank you God for I am now your child in Jesus name, Amen!"
(Please if you prayed that prayer, send me an email I will be praying for you and love to help you further in your journey. )
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