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The RainBow a Reflection; A Letter from GOD.

  In wrath I destroyed In mercy I restored  My wrath consumed My mercy caused to blossom In wrath I sent flood from rain In mercy I revealed the RainBow Before the rain was my anger After the rain is the Bow of my mercy The RainBow. I set the RainBow in place A constant reminder of my mercy A constant reminder of my covenant A constant reminder of my love A constant reminder of my faithfulness The RainBow.  You see the Bow A reflection of something more Behind the veil of the Bow Is the weight of my Glory But that I know you cannot stand So instead I revealed the Bow  The RainBow a Reflection Of my Glory. You see the RainBow But yet bigger than the RainBow  Is the Glory Behind. Beyond the RainBow  I call you to come Beyond the RainBow  I dwell in light of great volume Beyond the RainBow  My Spirit beckons For A people who will look Beyond what eyes can see A people who will listen  Beyond what words can utter A people who will breathe The res...


  Our life here on earth is guided by time. The importance of time in life is often expressed in the phrase 'Time is of the essence'. But do we truly understand how much time counts? Not just in relation to the life cycle, completion of projects, and the deadlines associated with contracts, but in relation to eternity. The knowledge of the importance of time helps us to place priorities on activities. We don't leave for the latter what we need to do now. I can reverse my wristwatch to deceive myself that it's not yet time for an event, but it cannot stop the event from happening. Truth is my feelings or your feelings cannot stop or change an assigned time. But why am I saying all this about time?  “But of that day and hour no one knows, not even the angels of heaven,  but My Father only." Matthew 24:36 NKJV Jesus spoke of some events that would precede His return, but what He never told us is the exact time of His return. As a human being, we think knowing the set ...

What is your worth?

Worth is a language of exchange,  it relates to items and values. The value placed on an item describes its worth. A worth also relate to the level at which someone is valued. In essence, it refers to what can be given in exchange for something of value. To purchase a gold ring, you will be willing to pay far beyond what you would have paid for a costume one, so they are not the same in value, and the price of the ring is also determined by its carat. To buy a used car, you examine it's worth by giving consideration to its condition,  mileage and other features. And you will never pay beyond or below the perceived worth. Ultimately,  you only offer the price you think an item is worth. How about you, I mean your life, your soul, what exactly are you worth? Having grown up in Nigeria, where I have heard countless stories of money rituals, and watched several on movies, I found it really amazing that when wealth, power and influence is given to people, what is requested in ...

Bible verses on Peace

We live in uncertain times, a time where no one has the answer, not even the experts. A time where worry and anxiety seem to be the natural resolve, but is this God's will for  his children? Definetly not! The Bible is full of verses that promises peace for God's children, for anyone who has placed their trust and confidence in God, God has promised peace in the face of problems. I have put up here Bible verses on peace that you can keep your heart on in this season and always, and I hope you find this helpful. This verse tells us that one of the Messiah's names is Prince of Peace. He is our Lord of Peace, the initiator and sustainer of our peace, so we can be rest assured of peace when we are in him. God has promised us in his word that He (God) will keep everyone who trust in him in perfect peace. Everyone who makes Jesus his Lord, will enjoy the peace of the Lord. Through Christ, God has preached peace to us who were afar ( non Jewish), and he has promised to heal us of ...

Making the Most of the Season

  Hello and welcome to Triumphant in Christ,  this is the spot where the triumph of faith and truth is shared through the Victor's story. I'm glad you get to read this, because my desire and prayer is that the truth of God's word will be imparted on your heart and faith stirred up in you for more. I want to share with you something God has laid on my heart in this season..... Life is all about seasons. Life is in phases, men are in sizes goes the popular saying. And I can say the situation facing our world today is definitely a season that will pass but how we see and respond to it is really important. The Bible records the story of Isaac and how he sowed and reaped a 100 fold harvest in an unusual time and I want you to learn from his story. Now there was a famine in the land, besides the previous famine that had occurred in the days of Abraham. So Isaac went to Gerar, to Abimelech king of the Philistines. The Lord appeared to him and said, “Do not go down to Egypt; stay i...

Victory over despair

Hello, welcome to Triumphant in Christ. I'm glad you decided to stop by for a read today, and I believe you stopped by because something in you strikes with the word triumph or victory. Yes! This is the spot where the Triumph of Faith and Truth is shared through the Victor's story!  😃😃. Grab a cuppa and let's hit the road on this new one..... My thoughts seem to play a lot on me, being an introvert, I enjoy being by myself, which can be a strength sometimes and other times a weakness. Swinging into moods used to be my natural mode in the past 😂, but hey, how did I overcome it? How can someone like me have victory over despair? I'm going to share some secrets with you.....hold on tight to your cuppa.  Firstly, I want you to know that Jesus is my number one secret, he gave me joy for my sorrow, peace for my worries. I remember 11 years ago, when I fell under the power of the Holy Spirit, and I laughed in the spirit so uncontrollably,  I remember the experience ...