One who triumph is a Victor or a Conquest, a Conqueror. this connotes the idea of one who has gone into battle and finished on a victorious note. He did not just win, but has also gathered spoil, therefore, he is a notable success. Isn't it interesting that the Scriptures calls us conquerors. According to Romans 8vs37, Apostle Paul wrote by the Holy Ghost that we (who have believed in God by the sacrifice of Jesus) are more than conquerors through Christ(the Anointed one and His Anointing) who has loved us.
As long as we remain in Christ, all battles are as good as won, for by his death, burial& Resurrection, he spoiled he spoiled principalities and power, and made a public show of them"(Colossians 2 vs 15). By his sacrifice, we are guarranted victory in All things.
As long as we remain in Christ, all battles are as good as won, for by his death, burial& Resurrection, he spoiled he spoiled principalities and power, and made a public show of them"(Colossians 2 vs 15). By his sacrifice, we are guarranted victory in All things.
Our swords grew as we reached each level. I almost left mine behind because I did not seem to need it at the higher levels. I finally decided that it had been given to me for purpose, so I had better keep it. I drove it into the ground and tied myself to it while I shot at the enemy. The voice of the Lord then came to me, saying: "You have used the wisdom that will enable you to keep climbing. Many have fallen because they did not use their sword properly to anchor themselves." No one else seemed to hear this voice, but many saw what I had done and did the same thing.
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