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Immutable Things

When we minister unto God, we render a service, it could be giving to God what we have or service unto mankind, because Jesus said whatever we do to his servants, that we do unto him Matthew 25v40.
whether we minister to God by giving or service unto mankind, one thing is sure, there is a blessing for every ministration, for every service.
I Genesis 22v1, the Lord called Abraham and told him to go offer Isaac on one of the mountains in the land of Moriah. In this case, what God requested from Abraham was costly and it can break his home. I mean god just told him to go kill his only son on the mountain, and here's a man who is well stricken in age as the scriptures put it. Beside this fact, Sarah is an issue to deal with. for a woman like Sarah, after waiting till 89 to have a child, no one can take the child away from her, because whoever try such is sure ready to bury her. I believe this was why Abraham did not tell her before taking actions. Here's a point i learn : when God tells you what to do, you need to keep silent on some issues because the walk of Faith is a foolish walk in the realm of reality. faith walk takes God and you, it's an individual affair.
While on the mountain Abraham tied Isaac his son. before Abraham could do this, he had sacrificed Isaac in His heart, because a man can not put into action what he has not settled it in his heart. This is why Scriptures recorded that he offered Isaac(Genesis 22v15, Hebrews 11v17), for God who sees the heart of all men, could see in Abraham's heart how Isaac was offered unto Him.
By sacrificing Isaac, Abraham received the blessing of Jehovah(Genesis 22v15), God was moved by this sacrifice offered in Faith, and He swore by Himself to bless Abraham and that all the earth shall be blessed in his seed, which is Christ( Galatians 3v16), for what was done on that mountain foreshadowed the sacrifice of Jesus that took place on Calvary.
Down the Scriptures after Christ's Glorification, the writer of Hebrews recorded in Chapter 6v18 that God made an oath with us(heirs of promise) by TWO IMMUTABLE things in which it is impossible for God to lie. Those of us who have believed in Christ and live by Faith are the heirs of Promise, the Promise was made unto Abraham who believed God and it was accounted unto him for righteousness.with that sacrifice of Isaac God swore by himself, that means by his life.
In the book of Matthew 5v33-37, Jesus taught on how we are not to swear but our yes should mean yes, based on this truth, the lord will not contradict his word, so God established His word in the New Testament by an oath, This is not because God can change, no it is because man always want an oath or swearing to end all strife and doubt about a promise.
Now dealing with man, God did enter into an oath with us instead of swearing, this oath was by the blood of Jesus which is the blood of the new Covenant, it is the Binding force between us and God(2corinthians 5v19, Hebrews 12v22). If God made an oath with us, what then are the two immutable things the oath was established on?   1.) The Word of God is one Immutable thing by which it is impossible for God to lie. For the Scriptures have taught on how God can not change His mind,(Numbers 13v 19,1Samuel 15v29) and He can not lie, on this the Psalmist wrote by Inspiration in Psalms 138v2 how the lord has magnified His Word above all His Names. This means the Word of God is so important to Him, he will definitely Redeem all He has said and not a jot of His word will go unfulfilled(Isaiah 55v11,Mark 13v31). Men may fail in keeping to their word, but God will never fail. So what is the second immutable thing?
2.) The number two immutable thing on which our Faith rests is the Blood of Jesus. According to Leviticus 17v11, the life of man is in his blood, and remember that God said to Abraham in Genesis 22v15, that He has sworn by himself which can be expressed as 'I swear by my life', with this statement, God expressed in how He will be in human form to activate his promise. This He did when Jesus the Word of God became flesh( John 1v 14), dwelt among us and went to Calvary to pay the debt for our soul, for Jesus is not just a man, He is God. Our covenant with God is established upon better promises, the promise of His Unfailing Word and the Blood of Jesus. It is better than the Old covenant which was established on the blood of animals.
We have a more excellent promise, we can rest our mind and continue in Faith that God is indebted to fulfill all He has promised unto us in His word, let us not be slothful, but imitators of those who through Faith and Patience inherit the promise(Hebrews 6v 12). In Faith, let's walk till the end, Our Promise was made on two Immutable things by He that can never lie nor change His mind.


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