Hello welcome to Triumphant in Christ and thank you for stopping by. My desire is that every post you read here will impart truth on your heart and stir up faith within you for more of God. I will love to read from you too, so please leave a comment after reading. Let's hit the road on this...... Have you ever been faced with situations beyond you just after a promise from God? And maybe you have asked "why does the Lord even speak? " why does he reveal things in visions? Some times, we receive word of prophecy from God, and just after the word, something happens and it looks like what is happening is contrary to what the Lord has said. When the Lord speaks, it is not for the feelings, rather it is for the happenings, the things that will happen between the time he spoke and the time of fulfillment. When the Lord speaks or reveal things, it is because he wants us to be able to stand and not lose trust in him when life happens. “These things I have spoken to y...

In a world where the Biblical Truth has been muddled, Triumphant in Christ Blog is aimed at building up, strengthening, inspiring and unraveling the mysteries of Faith. And most Importantly, restoring the Old Paths of Christian Faith. But thanks be to God, who always leads us in Triumph in Christ, and manifest through us the sweet aroma of the knowledge of Him in every place. 2 Corinthians 2:14.