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Showing posts from April, 2020

Why does He Speak?

Hello welcome to Triumphant in Christ and thank you for stopping by. My desire is that every post you read here will impart truth on your heart and stir up faith within you for more of God. I will love to read from you too, so please leave a comment after reading. Let's hit the road on this...... Have you ever been faced with situations beyond you just after a promise from God? And maybe you have asked "why does the Lord even speak? " why does he reveal things in visions? Some times, we receive word of prophecy from God, and just after the word, something happens and it looks like what is happening is contrary to what the Lord has said. When the Lord speaks, it is not for the feelings,  rather it is for the happenings, the things that will happen between the time he spoke and the time of fulfillment. When the Lord speaks or reveal things, it is because he wants us to be able to stand and not lose trust in him when life happens. “These things I have spoken to y...

Unshaken Part 2

Welcome back to Triumphant in Christ, I hope you gained something from the last post. My desire is that you will be imparted with truth from every post you read here. Let me go straight to business.  Therefore, since we receive a kingdom which cannot be shaken, let us show gratitude, by which we may offer to God an acceptable service with reverence and awe; Hebrews 12:28 NASB From the last post, I shared on how to be unshaken in a world where everything is shaking, and I established that to do so, you need to be a part of a kingdom that can not be shaken,  which is God's kingdom,  and also to be graceful and know that you were made for a purpose,  which is service. In this second part, I will like to expound on this kingdom that cannot be shaken. God's eternal kingdom is the kingdom that cannot be shaken,  it is the kingdom that cannot be moved and he want us to come near and be a part of this kingdom.  In Exodus 19, when God met with Moses...

Unshaken Part 1

The world we live in is changing every day, it is not as it used to be was my mum's slogan. I remember meeting someone years ago, and when I asked about their identity, they told me 'times have changed ' ! Really? I think this is real for me now, yes times have changed, but we are still here. How then do we live with stability in changing times? That's what this post address. Welcome to Triumphant in Christ and hope this bless you. The book of Hebrews 12:28, reads "Therefore, since we receive a KINGDOM which cannot be shaken, let us show GRATITUDE,  by which we may offer to God an acceptable SERVICE with reverence and awe. Surely there is a kingdom which cannot be shaken, and if we want to be unshaken in a shaking world, we need to find the location of the unshakable kingdom and transit there. From the Bible, we understand that God's kingdom is the unshakable kingdom, it is eternal. In Revelation 1:8, Jesus introduced himself as the Alpha and Omega, t...

Favour as a Shield

Psalms 5:12, says the Lord will surround the righteous with favour as with a shield. Who doesn't like to be favoured? Surely I want to be favoured,  and I guess you are just like me.  When I first read this scripture, what came to mind was how can I be qualified for this favour? How can I become righteous? My human nature told me I had to be perfect, I thought of all the dos and donts I have learnt growing up, but none of this made me righteous.  But the Holy Spirit reminded me of 2Corinthians 5:21, which says God made him (Christ) who knew no sin, to be sin on our behalf, so that we (you and I) may become the righteousness of God. Really? Absolutely Yes! Jesus became sin so that I can be made God's righteousness.  If I have been made God's righteousness by his death and resurrection, it will require his death and resurrection to be undone before I can loose my righteousness then. Praise God that his work can never be undone. By that one sa...