When we minister unto God, we render a service, it could be giving to God what we have or service unto mankind, because Jesus said whatever we do to his servants , that we do unto him Matthew 25v40. whether we minister to God by giving or service unto mankind, one thing is sure, there is a blessing for every ministration, for every service. I Genesis 22v1, the Lord called Abraham and told him to go offer Isaac on one of the mountains in the land of Moriah. In this case, what God requested from Abraham was costly and it can break his home. I mean god just told him to go kill his only son on the mountain, and here's a man who is well stricken in age as the scriptures put it. Beside this fact, Sarah is an issue to deal with. for a woman like Sarah, after waiting till 89 to have a child, no one can take the child away from her, because whoever try such is sure ready to bury her. I believe this was why Abraham did not tell her before taking actions. Here's a point i lear...

In a world where the Biblical Truth has been muddled, Triumphant in Christ Blog is aimed at building up, strengthening, inspiring and unraveling the mysteries of Faith. And most Importantly, restoring the Old Paths of Christian Faith. But thanks be to God, who always leads us in Triumph in Christ, and manifest through us the sweet aroma of the knowledge of Him in every place. 2 Corinthians 2:14.